Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF solution


Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF solution

Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF solution

STOmics Stereo-seq Transcriptomics Set for Chip-on-a-slide enables a “tissue-to-data” solution through in situ capture of the whole transcriptome, at nanoscale resolution and centimeter-sized field of view. Stereo-seq Transcriptomics Solution utilizes DNB patterned array chips loaded with spatially-barcoded probes that capture and prime poly-adenylated mRNA from tissue sections in situ. Each cDNA synthesized from mRNA captured on a particular spot is linked to its spatially-barcoded probe, allowing subsequent gene expression mapping of a tissue section following sequencing and visualization analysis using the StereoMap visualization platform.

Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF solution

Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF solution workflow

Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF solution workflow
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STOmics Kits Portfolio

Stereo-seq Transcriptomics solution

Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF solution

Stereo-seq Transcriptomics H&E solution

Stereo-seq Transcriptomics for Large Chip Designs

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    Stereo-seq Transcriptomics solution


    Stereo-seq Transcriptomics solution

    Stereo-seq Transcriptomics solution

    STOmics Stereo-seq Transcriptomics Set for Chip-on-a-slide enables a “tissue-to-data” solution through in situ capture of the whole transcriptome, at nanoscale resolution and centimeter-sized field of view. Stereo-seq Transcriptomics Solution utilizes DNB patterned array chips loaded with spatially-barcoded probes that capture and prime poly-adenylated mRNA from tissue sections in situ. Each cDNA synthesized from mRNA captured on a particular spot is linked to its spatially-barcoded probe, allowing subsequent gene expression mapping of a tissue section following sequencing and visualization analysis using the StereoMap visualization platform.

    Stereo-seq Transcriptomics solution

    Stereo-seq Transcriptomics solution Workflow

    Stereo-seq Transcriptomics solution Workflow
    Ready To Order?
    Our team can help you in placing the order. Click below to get a quote and fast ordering.
    STOmics Kits Portfolio

    Stereo-seq Transcriptomics solution

    Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF solution

    Stereo-seq Transcriptomics H&E solution

    Stereo-seq Transcriptomics for Large Chip Designs

    Have a question?

    Get a call from your local Decode Science representative to help you find the best fit genomics products for you.

      Or give us a call at:

      1300 581 991