Knockout iPS Cells

Knockout iPS Cells

Precise and efficient models for cutting-edge disease research.

EditCo’s cutting-edge CRISPR technology ensures accurate and efficient gene editing while maintaining iPSC quality, pluripotency, and overall cell integrity. Our automated platform, optimized guide design, and superior reagents enable high-efficiency knock-ins and knockouts, minimizing errors and off-target effects. With a focus on delivering reliable and functional gene modifications, our robust process allows researchers to confidently assay gene functions, model diseases, and explore new therapeutic targets.

Whether you need precise knockouts or complex knock-ins, EditCo’s advanced editing solutions provide the accuracy and consistency required for high-impact scientific discoveries in biomedical research.

Knock-in Immortalized Cells

Gene Function Studies:

Disrupt your target gene to assess its role in a phenotype or cellular function.

Gene-Disease Linkage:

Investigate genetic factors in neurodegenerative diseases using edited iPSCs and neuronal cell types.

Pathway Analysis:

Knock out genes in your disease pathway. Differentiate cells into disease-relevant types and test for drug targets.

Target Validation:

Validate targets in CRISPR-edited iPSCs to confirm gene-disease linkage in cell models.

Single Guide Pools Results
XDel Knockout Cell Pools and Clones

XDel is a CRISPR technology for precise, efficient gene editing. With a unique guide RNA design, it ensures reproducible knockouts without affecting pluripotency or cell integrity, accelerating research in gene function, disease modeling, and drug development.

  • – High Efficiency: Superior editing and consistent knockouts.
  • – Reliable Results: Persistent protein depletion validated through assays.
  • – Reproducibility: Minimized variability for dependable outcomes.
XDel Knockout Cell Pools & Clones - EditCo | Decode Science
XDel multiple guide RNA off-target editing efficiency


  • – Cell Source: EditCo or customer supplied.
  • – Available Edits: Indel, fragment deletion, homozygous, or heterozygous.
  • – Design: Synthetic modified sgRNA.
  • – Add-Ons: Additional clones, testing.
  • – Deliverables: Updates, edited cell pools (2 vials), sequencing data, and QC reports.

Superior Editing
XDel offers more consistent and efficient on-target editing than single-guide RNA methods, ensuring reliable results.

Reduced Off-Target Effects
XDel delivers lower off-target editing compared to single-guide RNA, ensuring better precision.

Robust Knockouts
XDel pools maintain genomic stability, confirmed by karyotyping and PluriTest™.

How XDel Works
XDel uses up to 3 coordinated guides for reliable knockouts, offering more consistent edits than traditional single-guide methods.

XDel pools and clones
Multi-guide schematic-new
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IPS Cells Portfolio

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