Knockout iPS Cells

Knockout iPS Cells

Advanced CRISPR Knock-Ins for iPSC Research

EditCo’s advanced CRISPR knock-ins empower neuroscience, cardiovascular, and regenerative medicine research by delivering precise edits in iPSCs while maintaining their quality, pluripotency, and integrity. Our high-throughput automated platform ensures fast lead times and high editing efficiencies, allowing you to focus on downstream applications like assay development and differentiation.

With minimal off-target effects, our platform offers a range of knock-ins, including single nucleotide variants, tags, and small insertions (<100 bp), available in both homozygous and heterozygous states, as well as in clone or pool formats. Trust EditCo’s robust editing process to accelerate your discoveries with artifact-free, reliable CRISPR-edited iPSCs.

Knock-in Immortalized Cells

Isogenic Neuronal Lines:

Create isogenic neuronal lines by reverting disease SNV genotypes to wild type with CRISPR-edited iPSCs.

Drug Screening:

Enhance drug screening with gene-corrected control lines for disease-relevant cell types.

Protein Tagging:

Tag target proteins to study subcellular localization under endogenous regulation.

Disease Modeling:

Model mutations in disease-relevant cell types using high-quality edited iPSCs.

iPS cells were assessed for standard pluripotency markers

Image: iPS cells were assessed for standard pluripotency markers, three days post-editing.

Single-guide RNA Knock-in Cell Pools

Achieve high-efficiency CRISPR iPSC knock-ins with EditCo’s Knock-in iPS Cell Pools. These pools offer a mix of edited and unedited cells, giving you flexibility for clonal isolation. Our optimized platform ensures precise edits, while you have the option to perform clonal isolation yourself. For those looking for a fully automated process, explore our Knock-in iPS Cell Clones for homogeneity and convenience.


  • – Cell Source: EditCo or customer supplied
  • – Available Edits: SNV, Tag, or Insertion
  • – CRISPR Design: Synthetic modified sgRNA, Donor ssODN
  • – Add-ons: QC for pluripotency testing


  • Edited cell pools (2 vials with 5 million cells)
  • Regular updates, sequencing data, and comprehensive QC reports

EditCo ensures robust editing with high efficiency across a variety of iPSC lines, maintaining pluripotency and delivering consistent, reliable results.

Single-guide RNA Knock-in Cell Clones

EditCo’s Knock-in iPS Cell Clones provide homogeneous populations derived from single CRISPR-edited cells. Skip the editing and cloning process, and move directly into functional assays with high-quality, reliable clones. We manage the entire CRISPR editing and cloning process, ensuring you receive precise, genetically modified clones for accelerated research.


  • – Cell Source: EditCo or customer supplied
  • – Genetic Modifications: SNV, Tag, or Insertion (Homozygous or Heterozygous)
  • – CRISPR Design: Synthetic modified sgRNA, Donor ssODN
  • – Add-ons: Additional clones, QC for pluripotency and karyotype testing


  • 2 independent clones with the required knock-in (2 vials of 500,000 cells each)
  • Regular progress updates, sequencing data, and comprehensive QC reports

EditCo ensures precise SNV editing and delivers reliable, pluripotent clones ready for your downstream applications.

SNV editing in iPS cell clones

Image: 100% SNV editing in iPS cell clones.

Use EditCo’s iPS Cell Lines or Bring Your Own
EditCo provides iPS cell lines for all engineered cell orders at no extra cost. Alternatively, you can onboard your own cell lines.

EditCo-supplied cell lines

* Parental vials available for evaluation prior to booking an edit

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IPS Cells Portfolio

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